28,000 Potter Flowers installed at the Massachusetts mental Health Center

The for demolition slated building housing the Massachusetts Mental Health Center (MMHC) has been turned into artwork by Anna Schuleit.

After an initial tour of the facility she was struck not with what she saw but with what she didn’t see: the presence of life and color. While historically a place of healing, the drab interior, worn hallways, and dull paint needed a respectful infusion of hope. With a limited budget and only three months of planning Schuleit and an enormous team of volunteers executed a massive public art installation called Bloom.

The concept was simple but absolutely immense in scale. Nearly 28,000 potted flowers would fill almost every square foot of the MMHC including corridors, stairwells, offices and even a swimming pool, all of it brought to life with a sea of blooms.

The public was then invited for a limited 4-day viewing as a time for needed reflection and rebirth.








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