5 Downsides of Modern Acne Treatments

It’s a great feeling to have clear skin. Unfortunately, sometimes we take it for granted until we don’t have it anymore. There’s nothing worse than having an outbreak and scrambling for a fast solution. There are lots of products out there, but which one is going to do the job? It’s not uncommon for people to have a bathroom cabinet full of half-used acne treatments. Some of them work while others don’t seem to do much at all. All of this adds up to a confusing and frustrating experience that many acne sufferers go through. It would be wonderful if it was as simple as buying a single cream and finding relief. But in most cases, it’s a process of trial and error while doing your best to salvage mistakes into some kind of usable lesson. Let’s take a look at some of the unfortunate aspects of acne care today.

Cost – let’s face it, it’s pretty darned expensive to maintain acne treatment. Even if it’s a simple $10 cream, chances are you’ll have to buy something else as well. And if you happen to go with a kit like Proactiv or Murad, it can cost you 30-plus dollars a month to maintain your treatment. If you happen to need prescription medication, then it gets a lot more expensive. This is definitely an important factor you need to consider when coming up with your overall budget. There’s nothing worse than not being able to complete a treatment because you run out of money.

Speed – there are lots of products that claim to act fast, but you have to be realistic as well. You’re dealing with a natural process and it’s almost impossible to speed things up. Sometimes your acne just has to go through is natural cycle before it becomes less noticeable. And remember, treatments and creams don’t work on the pimples you have right now. They blend into your skin to prevent future outbreaks, and the entire process can take several weeks or even months.

Side Effects – if you have ever found an effective acne cream with no side effects, consider yourself very lucky. Most people also experienced dryness or redness alongside their chosen treatment. Sometimes skin can get incredibly itchy, start to peel, or breakouts even more. In fact, some treatments out there like Accutane have a “purge” stage where your pimples get a lot worse before they get better.

A Difficult Choice – with so many products out there, the task of finding the right one becomes an exercise in frustration. You can ask your best friend what he or she uses, but there are no guarantees there. Everybody has a different skin type, and no product works 100% of the time. It’s difficult to experiment because of the cost and possible side effects, so sometimes you just have to play it by ear.

Finding a Solution – you can take a lot of the guesswork out of the situation if you make an appointment with a dermatologist. Keep in mind you have to see your general physician to get a referral first. There are also several hoops you might have to jump through such as long wait times. But in the end, it’s almost always worth it to see a professional to get help with your skin problems. Trying to do all of this by yourself is rather impossible if you have serious acne, and you’ll save yourself a lot of stress and time if you cut to the chase with a dermatologist. A good one will be able to prescribe treatments based on a full assessment of your skin, and this often leads to better results than trying to find something off the shelf of a drug store.

Having bad skin is a difficult thing but there’s lots of valuable information out there. Turn yourself into a resource with education and common sense. You can find more tips on general skincare and getting rid of acne at howtogetridofacnehelp.com.