Entertain your kitty

13 Ways to Keep Your Cat Entertained

If you’re a cat person like me, one of the greatest joys is being able to play and connect with your cat. It’s also a terrific way to burn off kitty’s energy (whether you’re home or away) so they are more content, sleep better at night and love you even more!

1. Bags and Boxes

I know, it’s cliché, but kitties LOVE bags and boxes! They love sleeping in them, hiding in them, darting in and out of them and doing more things that we can even think of. While they are good on their own, you can make them even more fun for your furry friend. You can hang a piece of string from the openings for them to bat at or you can throw a wad of paper or one of their favorite toys inside for them to bat around. You would be surprised how long they love to stay in there!

2. Kitty Condos

We’ve all seen them—cat condominiums are more than just fun for your kitty. They get your kitty up off the ground and feed into their natural instincts as stalkers and hunters. They also make your cat feel like king or queen of their domain, which is important for them. A lot of them also have built-in toys and scratching posts, which will stimulate your cat and stop them from eating or scratching up your favorite items.

3. Outside time

Many people either don’t want to let kitty outside because of the dangers around them, or live in a place where letting your cat outside just isn’t an option. Investing in a cat leash, may sound silly, but it can be a fantastic option for you. Cats want to be outside to indulge in their natural instincts and to get them some fresh air. Sure, people might give you funny looks, but you and your feline companion are getting some great quality-time! Take them out on the leash with their favorite toy. Another way to spend awesome outside time with kitty while burning up energy!

4. Toys

While it seems too simple, it does so much. Any type of toy – catnip mice, jingly balls, a feather on a string or even a laser pointer – will stimulate your kitty and get them into that super fun “play zone” that your kitty loves to be in. If the classic toys don’t do anything for your kitty you can invest in a high tech toy for your kitty like this giant glowing ball. It is like the much beloved laser pointer on nip.


5. Apps

You think I’m joking, but I’m not. There are apps to entertain your kitty-cat on your iPad and Android powered tablets! Even Friskies is getting in on it (http://gamesforcats.com/)! They utilize color, sounds and movement to stimulate your cat’s senses and, if you check out those clips at the Friskies site? Kitties love them. It seems like they are forever fascinated by these clever apps and what’s better? They’re free!

6. DVDs


Much in the same way as the tablet apps, these use lights, sound and movement to intrigue your cat. Unlike the apps, there are no ways for your cat to interact with these (no touch screen TVs yet!) but they use cat favorites like fish, wildlife and birds to get kitty’s attention and keep it!


7. Get A Pal


Now, this might not work for every cat out there, but some cats love having a feline companion. Be careful to realize that introducing a new cat to the household may be a bit of a challenge, but if it does work, it is so worth it. There would be a new friend for your cat to groom, snuggle and play with! There could be new and exciting games invented all the time between them!


8. Talk to Your Kitty


I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you’re probably already doing it so just admit it! Not only is it soothing for you to unload to your furry friend, but it’s actually a stimulating practice for your cat. There are studies that show that they LOVE hearing their owner’s voice and while they don’t always understand what you say, they understand the tones and emotions behind your voice. While it may seem obnoxious to some, they actually do respond better to that high-pitched, cute voice we all use and prefer it much more.

9. Games


Take the time to invent games for you and your cat to play together! Do things like tie a string (a long string) around your ankle while walking around your house for them to chase, or stick a ruler or a stick underneath your area rug and tousle it about. We all know that cats are easily amused, so it won’t take much ingenuity to really get them going!


10. Music


Almost every animal on the planet responds to music. Find which kind your cat really gets into and invest in a couple of songs or albums to indulge your cat. If in doubt, classical never fails. Think more strings and pianos than pieces with booming drums and horns. Also, it’s been shown that cats love soothing “meditation” music!


11. Puzzle Toys

There are brilliant new cat toys that stimulate your kitty into really thinking! Usually ball shaped, these “puzzle toys” are made to be filled with treats and one is only released when your cat figures out the right way to configure the toy or release the latch. It really works out not only their muscles but also their brain.


12. Nip


What to kitties love more than nip? I can’t think of one thing that gets them more excited! Now, this isn’t something you want to expose them to all the time (you don’t want to get your cat hooked) but get them a few toys or a scratching post or maybe even a cat nip plant to treat your cat with! They’ll completely love and you’ll get a kick out of your cat being so silly!


13. Fun Zone

Last but not least, you can take everything I’ve given you – all the toys and inventions – and give your cat an area of your house. It doesn’t have to be huge – maybe even just a corner and put all of your cat’s favorite things there! The condominium, treats, its favorite toys – anything they really love. We all know how territorial they are and they will feel awesome not only knowing they “own” that section of the room, but with all of their favorite things, it will feel like kitty-cat heaven!


This article was written by Maribeth Curley of HalloweenCostume.com. She has 27 cats in her one-bedroom apartment, but she swears she’s not a “crazy cat lady”. Really.