How to Choose the Best Gift!

Haven’t we all asked the question ‘what should I buy?’ when it comes to choosing a gift for someone.  They say that we only ever buy the things that we like, even if the gift isn’t for us. So how do you pick the perfect Birthday, Christmas or wedding gift that won’t go straight to the back of a cupboard and be forgotten about? Well, one of the best ways is to try and choose gifts based on personality types, hobbies and interests. No, I’m not talking about buying a ton of useless novelty golf items for Uncle Chris because he occasionally enjoys a round but I am talking about getting out of your own head and into theirs!

Gifts for the vintage vixen

Does the person you a buying a gift for look like they belong in the 50’s? Do they love baby doll dresses, floral cardigans and wearing huge amounts of red lippy? Is their house a shrine to all things pastel, worn and quaint? If so they you are most definitely dealing with a vintage vixen! This is great for you as vintage style is huge at the moment and you will find a whole host of gifts to choose from. Go for plaques and signs with inspirational or funny wording, something like a ‘keep calm and eat cupcakes’ sign for their kitchen. Or perhaps a set of floral teacups and a pretty cake stand for them to enjoy a spot of afternoon tea on. The options are endless!

Gifts for the laughter liker

Is it the birthday of the joker in your group? Is he always playing tricks on you and your mates when you’re together and is he the one who forwards joke text messages to you all when you’re apart? If so you have a laughter liker on your hands and they will love all things novelty and humorous. Try getting them an iPhone hoodie cover or a ‘grow a girlfriend’ kit to really make them laugh. Alternatively you could go the classic route and opt for a Whoopee cushion or magic trick kit. Just be careful that they don’t get used on you!

Gifts for the always alternative

You can’t see this person because they hide behind a long dark fringe. Mention anything mainstream and an unknowing look will over spread their face. This person is always alternative in their dress sense and music choice and so the quirkier and more unique the gift the better! Anything from the Gorjuss gift range would suit this person down to the ground. From rag dolls to journals and mugs, all feature dark haired and slightly mysterious illustrations that will go down a treat with the always alternative.

Vicky works with who are an online gift shop. She would definitely class herself as a vintage vixen and she loves to write articles on vintage themes and gift trends.