How to Use Social Networks for Make Better Communication With Your Audience

Social networks have revolutionized communication and helped people to engage and share in an informal way. It has supported democratization of knowledge and has transformed audience from content seekers to knowledge providers.

All you have to do is to start with a project, using short time frames, evaluate your progress, and if you are not satisfied switch on to a different tool.

Some tips can help you to progress steadily and make use of social networks to improve your popularity and followers. The time you choose to tweet is of vital importance. Tweet from any website using buffers. They will be automatically posted and improve clicks on your tweets Using it and Buffer will allow you to connect any two web services together. If you start something in Google Reader, it will be added as a tweet to your Buffer.

Buffer can also support you to keep in touch with your followers by adding to it directly from A buffer icon can be created inside by installing the browser extension from Firefox, Chrome. If you want to retweet just hit on this icon. Thus you can have a few minutes on Twitter and add retweet. This app also helps you to detect the optimal time to post your tweet and will do the same automatically at the right time.

Now there is the option to tweet on Twitter and Facebook from the articles you are going through. All you have to do is to tap the “email link” and type your secret mail and send it. Whenever a new idea struck you, you can tweet this and send the valuable piece of knowledge to your followers and keep constantly in touch with them Mobile apps are also available for buffer account.

Android app and I Phone app have functions that add articles directly from the browser to your Buffer. While you read, click the share menu in the Android and add the tweet to your buffer. This is very convenient when you are travelling and save your time.

Another means to be in touch with your audience is to track your clicks, tweets, and reach of tweets. If you want to improve yourself, you have to know yourself better first. So track well your performance on Twitter and Facebook. There are features that track your tweets and let you know the number of clicks, retweets, and reach you have. You will also be informed of the retweet “favorite” and replies to your tweets. Thus you will have the opportunity to follow them or thank them.

All this will increase your popularity. By knowing the areas that receive more clicks will help you it concentrates on that area and improve yourself. Good following on Facebook and Twitter will help you in other areas of life also. There will be a community behind you when you are in need. The unconditional love and support will surely enhance your confidence and that will reflect positively in all your endeavors. We are very fortunate to use all these facilities and lead a contended with knowledge and help at a click away.

Ludwing Hernandez is a guest blogging addict and the proud owner of Mezee chat sites platforms. Feel free to follow him on Twitter @Mezeeme.