Ninjas. Most of us didn’t see any Ninjas in real life. There are some occasions however that they are seen, and even more rare, they are captured on camera. Below you will find an overview of the 13 best pictures of Ninjas.
1. Hotel Lobby
This particular Ninja was captured by a security camera in a hotel lobby in downtown San Francisco. This is the first and most famous Ninja captured on camera. Investigators of the FBI and SNUI (Special Ninja Unit Investigators) have been investigating this particular case before the image was released to the public. After this shot was released 3 investigators where found dead in their appartments.
2. Wedding Ninja
This Ninja is known as wedding crasher and has been seen many times. He shows up at random weddings and gets so drunk it’s hard for him to get out of the venue unseen. Although he has been spotted many times, he got a way with it every time. Eye-witnesses have led to believe that he is part of the Aikurinia-clan, mainly operating in down-town Tokio, but known for having Ninjas on missions all around the world.
3. Hidden in the leaves
This picture is taken by an 12 y/o boy from South Hampton. While he was walking in the park with his grandfather they noticed there was a Ninja up in the trees. The boy grabbed his phone and tried to take a picture. The ninja jumped out and landed in the leaves. You can see the ninja clearly between the leaves while he is trying to hide from the camera.
4. Forrest-Ninja
This picture was taken in Rivendell. While the Ninja doesn’t seem to try to hide himself in any way, investigators believe he was not paying attention as the person taking the picture (Micheal S.) was aiming for his girlfriend and not for the Ninja. The Ninja was not discovered on this picture until years later when showing pictures from the trip to his friends.
5. Urban Ninja
This Ninja was spotted on a roof on an undisclosed locations somewhere in California. Due to safety reasons the person that took this picture wants to stay anonymous.
6. Backseat Ninja
The picture of this Ninja was taking in the back of a Ford Focus. This ninja in this picture seems to wear a white/grayish outfit which can be linked to the Amakurai group, held responsible for many assassinations in the eighties but not much heard off after.
7. Market Ninja
Although no information is known about this ninja or his background, this is the clearest pictures ever taken of a Ninja. This picture was taken on the 8th of March on a market near Nebraska.
8. Shanghai
This picture was taking in Shanhhai, the hometown of the Caurunja group. The ninja on this pictures is identified as a member of the Karmcui group. After this picture was released in the beginning of 2004, it is led to believe this triggered the war between the two clans, causing death to around 50 ninjas and 12 civilians.
9. Webcam
This picture was released 2 days after it was taken in 2008. The Ninja was probably playing a prank and dressed up as a wolfe. A day after the picture was taken the owners of the webcam found a message written on their walls telling them to not publish this picture. After it was put online on the owners blog (now offline) they disappeared. Investigators of local police stopped searching after 2 months.
On the 12th of January 2012 the police received a boy containing 20 fingers. Fingerprints showed they belong to the coupled that got missing in 2008.
Update 2
On the 14 of January the police released a note that was left in the box. The note was written in Agun (the language spoken by the Jagarsitina group) saying “Hanguri Kan Sai Lawa Tu Nori”, meaning “Say goodbye to the old bitch”. Investigators re-opened the case and started searching the woods and is asking for follow-up.
10. Group picture
This picture was dropped anonymously at the Los Angelos Police Department (LAPD). The case is still pending.
11. Dancing Ninja
As you can see on the left the Ninja in this picture is dancing. The man who took the pictures heard classical Japanese songs such as “Arika Gu Sun” (Down with the sun), “Mna yi su” (Let’s start fighting) and “Kung Fu Fighting” (Original version by Carl Douglas) while he clearly spotted the Ninja in his 10 minute dance routine. After investigation several bottles of Sake where found.
12. Nuclear Ninja
This picture was taken at a nuclear power plant in the north of Russia. After the picture was taken security has been increased to code ‘Orange’.
13. Harassing Ninja
This Ninja was found guilty in 2007 of harassing several girls. A friend of the girs who was with them took this picture. The Nagaurin group confirmed the Ninja was a member of their group but refused to release any information. Until today a warrant for his arrest has been published.