Top 13: Ways to Survive a Zombie Attack!

By Marjorie Licos
Ofcourse, you’re familiar with these walking dead creatures that attack and slaughter the living mercilessly. They are among the most favorite characters on horror movies and perhaps the scariest creatures to ever exist. What if you wake up one day and found these creatures roaming around the streets looking for anything living to slaughter? And if we’re to base it in the movies, it wouldn’t be so remote a possibility. When that day comes, you will be required to defend yourself and survive the zombie attack.

These half-rotten body creatures rose from their grave and crave for flesh, and of course brain, since this is what separates the living from them, the living-dead. Thus, keeping your brain intact is your prime objective in defending yourself against these creatures. Otherwise, you become one of them. To survive a zombie attack you need to be calm at all times, equip yourself with all the right tools, and devise a good plan. The following are the Top 13 ways on how you can survive a zombie attack.

1. Prepare for the unexpected

Prepare for the Unexpected. Your family and perhaps even your closest friends may be laughing at you when they found out that you are preparing for a zombie attack. However, it is best to prepare ahead of time than to be caught off-guard. Preparing all the things that you would need during a zombie attack is strongly encouraged. Food to carry around and tools to defend yourself must come on top of your list. Pack them in a bag that you can easily lug around.


2. Learn everything about zombie outbreaks

Learn everything about zombie outbreaks. You should be able to determine signs of a possible zombie outbreak as well as its causes. Constantly monitor the news to know if there had been outbreaks happening in some other places. Search the internet for chemicals and compounds that may cause death and human deformities, if possible look for plants, I mean nuclear plants that are using this kind of chemicals and calculate your distance from it to know how much time you have as a head start.


3. Guns and ammo

Make a list of the local retailers of guns and ammo; you will need them to protect yourself. Save a portion of your money to be able to purchase it when the need arise. Also, it is important that you familiarize yourself with their locations as well as all the alternative entries to the place so that you can gain access to it easily even without using the major streets. Always carry a gun with you during an attack. This will provide a distance between you and the zombies.


4. Make a map

Make a map on the nearest route as well as the alternatives ways to the nearest shopping malls, superstores, and grocery stores. You will need constant access to these places to refill your supplies of food and other important survival materials like flashlights, batteries, and clothing. Also, bigger buildings can be a good place to accommodate the survivors. The strong locks and gates will keep the zombies from infesting the place. Avoid big roomy places like schools and buildings; zombies love to lurk on these places.


5. Fire

Zombies can be destroyed by fire easily. Thus, it is important to keep extra cans of gasoline. Place them on strategic places of the house so that you will be able to retrieve it anytime the need arises. Store a significant amount in a safe place to refill the used ones. Moreso, matches must be kept along with these cans of gasoline. Place them side by side so that when zombies attack you, you can go these strategic places to retrieve your supplies.

6. More guns

Get yourself armed with guns and store a load of ammos in your house or in your hiding places. Zombie can be stopped and destroyed by putting a bullet in their head, so you’ll need to develop your skill in shooting. You can practice in a shooting range and ensure that your targeting and shooting skills are well-developed. You wouldn’t want to waste a bullet during a zombie attack since you may ran out of supplies, so it is best that you are able to hit your target at one go.


7. Care kit

Organize a care kit against zombie attack. This will include flashlights, batteries, emergency radio, first aid kit, and canned goods. Prepare the number of kits based on the number of your family member. Of course, you wouldn’t want to leave them behind even if they don’t believe you. Make sure that there is enough for supplies refill that will last for at least a month. Whistles and cudgels are also best to include in the kit. You will need these as a means of communicating with others. As well as to depend yourself in cases you accidentally encounter the zombies.


8. Do not wrestle a zombie

It is important that you do not wrestle a zombie since you may end up bitten. Fight zombies by using a weapon that can be thrown or swung towards them. If you can hold unto anything hard, aim for the head of the zombies and smash it hard. Metal objects like pipes and crowbar are best used to hit the zombies. However, when you see that you will be outnumbered, it is best not to continue fighting. Your speed is still your best advantage, so run as fast as you can and get yourself to a safe place.


9. Small sharp objects

It is also best to keep along small but sharp objects like knives, pens, forks, and screwdrivers. You can use these by lodging into the eye socket of a zombie on a close range. Collect all these pointed and sharp objects that can be found on the trash cans. If possible, modify it further to become sharper and more pointed. Close range encounters with zombies will make these objects useful. You can provide your family members and friend with these small weapons during an attack.


10. Decapitate!

During an encounter, it is best if you can decapitate a zombie. Removing their head will make them totally immobile and useless. So it is best to keep a chainsaw or a sword within reach in your house or in your hiding places. Moreso, these weapons can help you in combating a number of zombies especially if you are fighting them alone. Oh, and make sure that you let somebody teach you how to operate the chainsaw; you might hurt yourself wielding it.


11. Explosives

When you have built a hide-out or you are hiding in your house, it is advised that you make a homemade explosive and install it on possible entrances. You can activate the explosives at night and during times when you get deadly visitors. Install it like a trap so that when they mistakenly step into it, it will go off and explode. Also load ammo refill in your bunk houses, especially if you are planning a counter attack or expecting an encounter. This will give you the edge to run and look for alternative hiding places.


12. Build up your cardio power

Build up your cardio power. Again, what the zombies can’t do is run. To exploit that, develop the sprinter in you. Hit the gym daily; run in every marathon, triathlon and every ton you can get into. You can also enlist in every football club that will accept you. Eat healthy food; avoid getting drunk, you wouldn’t when these creepers will attack and being drunk on that crucial moment is hazardous. Being healthy, strong, speedy, and sober will count a lot during zombie attacks.


13. Last resort: Act like a zombie

If all of your efforts fails, and the zombies outside your house will outnumber you. Do not panic, try acting like them. Before doing so, you may want to bath with blood to make yourself stink like them. This way, they will never smell the fresh flesh and blood from a living person. Also, put some dirt in your clothes then rip it. After doing it, you can now start acting like one of them until you find yourself a new hiding place and new weapons to fight them.


Surviving a zombie attack will require determination and creativity. Use all your resources at hand. Think out of the box. You are fighting for your life and it will end up on two things only, you destroy them or you join them.